Child Welfare Training Collaborative
The Georgia State University School of Social Work Professional Excellence Program Child Welfare Training Collaborative (CWTC) offers training to community partners (e.g. public child welfare, law enforcement, placement providers, early care and learning, K-12 education, behavioral and physical health, juvenile courts, and other community and government organizations) throughout the state of Georgia. Bringing everyone to the same table creates an opportunity for community partners to have a shared understanding of issues facing children and families and also strengthens collaborations to promote better outcomes for Georgia’s children.
Community Organization Training
We offer courses to community members and organizations to provide an opportunity to bring together community partners that serve families around the topic of complex trauma and its impact on the brain, how to build resilience, recognizing and managing secondary traumatic stress, and exploring biases and stereotypes to create an environment that values diversity.
School Training
We offer specialized trainings to address the unique needs of school staff who interact with children who have experienced complex trauma. If you are interested in bringing training to your school or school system, click on the Mental Health Awareness Training link to submit your request.
Online/On-Demand Training
Some of the trainings developed by the Child Welfare Training Collaborative are also available online and can completed at any time on-demand by professionals and community partners who interact with children who have experienced complex trauma.
We offer workshops around the topic of complex trauma and its impact on the brain that can be delivered at conferences and other professional development events.
Training requested by schools are funded through the Mental Health Awareness Training Grant (MHAT) and approved by your Regional Education Services Agency (RESA).
Training requested by child and family-serving organizations is funded by the Division of Family and Children Services.
If you are interested in scheduling training, please email [email protected], complete this form, or call 470-279-1785 to discuss.
CWTC is a statewide program and can accommodate requests throughout Georgia.
If you are interested in scheduling training for your school, you can submit your request by clicking on this link https://login.community.gadoe.org/events/mental-health-awareness-training-mhat. Your Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) will review your request once you submit it. If you are not sure of your RESA region, you may click on this map to locate your region https://www.gadoe.org/Pages/Regional-Education-Service-Agencies-(RESAs).aspx.
If you have additional questions email [email protected], or call 470-279-1785. CWTC is a statewide program and can accommodate requests throughout Georgia.
CWTC suggests taking the classes in the following order as the content of the classes builds on other classes:
- Trauma 101: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children
- Brain 101: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on the Brain
- Trauma to Resilience: Strategies to Support Children’s Well-Being
- Psychological Safety: A Pathway to Resilience
“Recognizing and Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress” and “Differences are Good!” may be taken at any time.
If you have not taken Trauma 101 or Brain 101 and there is not a session currently scheduled in your area, please contact us and we will work to add classes in your area.
If you are interested in scheduling training, please email [email protected], complete this form, or call 470-279-1785 to discuss.
We are happy to work with you to schedule a training, but some spaces in the class will need to be open to other community partners.
We are happy to work with you to schedule a training locally. Please email [email protected], complete this form, or call 470-279-1785 to discuss.
Each training is approved for three hours of continuing education for SW (core), LPC and LMFT (related), DECAL/Bright from the Start, FVIP, POST, Babies Can’t Wait Project SCEIs in Area I | Children and Families – Birth to 8 CEUs, and Nursing.
If you attended training before June 30, 2023, email [email protected]. Please provide your name, the name of the training, and the date and time you attended. Please allow two business days for someone to respond to your request. If you attended training after June 30, 2023, you can visit https://bit.ly/Cwtclearningstreamregistration, log in to your account to view your training transcript and certificates.
To facilitate collaborative partnerships among community organizations and provide training, which enable stronger relationships with families and promote better outcomes for children.
Stronger collaborative partnerships for healthy families.
- Develop a series of learning opportunities focused on crucial areas of knowledge related to child well-being including best practices and processes of effective service delivery to children and families.
- Provide shared learning opportunities to community partners who work with children and families throughout the state of Georgia to increase knowledge and understanding of topics, ability to apply knowledge to practice, and to create a shared understanding of topics among partners.
- Assist Georgia with creating a trauma informed child welfare system by providing trainings on trauma, secondary trauma, and approaching all other subjects from a trauma perspective.
- Promote collaboration among all community partners to enhance working relationships and efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.
- Create statewide training information site to assist in locating opportunities to expand learning and move toward trauma informed practice methods.
Guiding Principles
The following are the beliefs that guide our work:
Community Oriented: We believe strong children and families rely on a community of partners to support them. This community is comprised of everyone who works with children and families in a professional or volunteer capacity, including DFCS, law enforcement, placement providers, early care, education, behavioral health, juvenile courts, pediatric health providers, Court Appointed Special Advocates, and other community and government organizations).
Collaborative: We believe children are safer and families are healthier when everyone in the child welfare system/community collaborates to solve problems, and provide services and support.
Accessible: We believe that geography should not limit access to resources and make our trainings available in any community throughout the state of Georgia.
Trauma Informed: We believe a trauma-informed approach is best practice in child welfare and approach all our workshops from a trauma perspective.
Quality: We believe our partners deserve access to the highest quality learning experiences available. Our content is based on established evidence-based and evidence informed knowledge and best and promising practices in the field.
Contact a member of our staff with any questions you have about the Child Welfare Training Collaborative.
The Child Welfare Training Collaborative provides training throughout the state. Let us know if you are interested in scheduling CWTC training in your area.
The Child Welfare Training Collaborative values the work of different people, agencies, and organizations providing resources to strengthen the work with families in Georgia who may be experiencing trauma.